Sunday, August 18, 2013

"Look of the Day" 8.17.13

As you may already know, last night was the "Madonnarama" in Boystown celebrating Madge's 55th birthday. The problem as always was 'well what do I wear?' With a desire to do something different than everyone else would be doing and limited time to shop, I relied on the tried and true mix & match tactic - and since I had a few unique items that no longer appear to be sold in world I thought it would work out fine.

Luckily I'm one of those shoppers that sometimes buys things based on the idea that I might wear them 'one day'. In this case, my purchase of the "Kevlar Shoulder Pads Jacket" and "Gauntlet" gloves from the always original ELIXIR really were a lucky find. I paired them with the ever-popular Elixir "Undergear" men's bikini and Sini-Style's "Blasphemy Boots" for a great futuristic look that fit right in with Madonna's constant reinvention of her own look - and this is my "Look of the Day"

Hair by MR / Mrs C, Eyes - EdDesigns, Facial Piercings - Hebenon Vial, Earrings - Purple Rose, Skin - Aeros
See you soon!-Zim

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