"Look of the Day" 8.17.13
As you may already know, last night was the "Madonnarama" in Boystown celebrating Madge's 55th birthday. The problem as always was 'well what do I wear?' With a desire to do something different than everyone else would be doing and limited time to shop, I relied on the tried and true mix & match tactic - and since I had a few unique items that no longer appear to be sold in world I thought it would work out fine.
Luckily I'm one of those shoppers that sometimes buys things based on the idea that I might wear them 'one day'. In this case, my purchase of the "Kevlar Shoulder Pads Jacket" and "Gauntlet" gloves from the always original ELIXIR really were a lucky find. I paired them with the ever-popular Elixir "Undergear" men's bikini and Sini-Style's "Blasphemy Boots" for a great futuristic look that fit right in with Madonna's constant reinvention of her own look - and this is my "Look of the Day"
Hair by MR / Mrs C, Eyes - EdDesigns, Facial Piercings - Hebenon Vial, Earrings - Purple Rose, Skin - Aeros
See you soon!-Zim